About Rochelle

My therapeutic approach is essentially governed by the idea that individuals are three-fold: body, mind, and spirit. I believe that the most effective counseling takes all three elements of who we are into consideration. We were each created to be whole people and complete healing can only take place when we ensure that those three basic elements of who we are are growing.
From a specifically mental health perspective, I lean heavily on cognitive behavioral therapy with a touch of acceptance and commitment therapy as well. I believe that we can be in control of our selves, including our emotions, and that boundaries are an important element of healthy human relationships.
When working with trauma, specifically PTSD, as well as depression and anxiety, I also often rely on my training in EMDR as a therapeutic tool.

My journey to counseling as a career began in high school when a wise mentor told me that I was “too nice to be a lawyer”. After careful consideration, I realized that I loved learning about human coping and relationships. After completing my master’s degree in mental health counseling from Middle Tennessee State University in 2013, I took 5 years away from practice to be a stay-at-home mom. In 2019, with four small children at home I decided to embark on a new season and opened my private practice. I was fully licensed in January 2022.
I spend most of my free time with my four beautiful kids and my smoking hot husband, laughing and playing, and often singing loudly and dancing to the music that usually fills our home. I love crafts and typically try something new each year, while still enjoying some of the old ones as well. I love to read and write as well. You can find some of my ramblings on the blog portion of the page.